Category: Uncategorized

Is Your Enterprise Ready for Intelligent Indoor Wireless Backhaul?

wireless backhaul

Airvine’s WaveTunnel™ technology has begun to ship to a selection of very forward-looking enterprise accounts. This is a completely new approach to indoor enterprise wireless backhaul that uses millimeter-wave technology instead of copper cable. The Challenge of New Technology Adoption Anytime there is a radically new technology, it can take time for it to get…

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Airvine Update from the Wi-Fi World Congress 2021

world congress

Vivek Ragavan gave an update on the progress on the WaveTunnel program at the Wi-Fi World Congress event in mid-November.  To replay that presentation just click on the following link: Click for Airvine Update

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WaveTunnel™ Update (September 2021)


Introduction to WaveTunnel™ Development Progress We continue to make progress on the WaveTunnel™ (WT) wireless system development program, planning to enter field trials by early October. This exciting time brings us closer to releasing this groundbreaking technology. In this update, we include pictures of the unit as it comes together. The design allows for ceiling…

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Selecting the Best Frequency Bands for Backhaul

Frequency Bands for Backhaul

Overview of RF Bands and Their Applications This blog will explore commonly used RF bands to understand which services work best at specific frequencies, with a particular focus on frequency bands for backhaul. We’ll dissect access technologies that connect you to Wi-Fi hotspots (or cellular networks) and the backbone technologies that keep those points humming…

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Getting Beamforming Right in the Millimeter-wave Bands

Introduction to Beamforming We often hear about beamforming techniques in the trade press, on podcasts, and elsewhere. But what is it and why do we care? Beamforming precisely shifts the phases of antenna array elements. This creates a very narrow beam directed at a specific target. The narrow beam significantly boosts the gain for the…

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