Hospitality Design Expo – The Zen of Setting up High Speed Wi-Fi with No Cables and No Network Access in 4 Days

The 2024 Hospitality Design Expo was hosted at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The show boasted over 500 suppliers and thousands of attendees. As is the case in today’s connected world, everyone on the show floor—be they exhibitors, attendees or staff—expected and were relying on high-speed connectivity. One vendor, ZenSpace, offered “pods” or small rooms where people could escape the noise and bustle of the show floor into a private room with high-speed Internet.

The challenge for ZenSpace lay in delivering high speed connectivity to the pods via Wi-Fi for customers to use while renting the pod spaces. Laying cables and taping them to the floor was not an option, and ZenSpace was not able to use the hotel Internet connection for the pod access.
In addition, the show was opening on a Tuesday when ZenSpace reached out to Airvine for a solution on the preceding Thursday – leaving just 4 days to design, install, bring up and connect a high-speed Wi-Fi network for the pods.
“ It was simply amazing how quickly and easily we were able to get this up and running.”
~ Mayank Agrawal, CEO of ZenSpace
As is often the case when network connectivity must be supplied quickly, the answer to this dilemma was a wireless approach. And not just any wireless, but the WaveTunnel by Airvine, operating as a wireless Ethernet backbone connection between the cellular modem with Internet access and the Wi-Fi APs delivering connectivity to the pods.
A single engineer from Airvine arrived on site Monday, and within a few hours had the entire network up and running.

When the show opened on Tuesday the ZenSpace pods were ready for business. Each unit had access to the pod’s private Wi-Fi network with a connection speed of 500Mbps.
Said Mayank Agrawal, CEO of ZenSpace, “We were not sure exactly how we were going to be able to deliver Wi-Fi to our pods, a critical component of our offering, when Airvine stepped in. It was simply amazing how quickly and easily we were able to get this up and running.”
With this success ZenSpace added a powerful tool for supporting their business for future events, wherever and whenever high-speed access is required. WaveTunnel by Airvine. The world’s first and most powerful wireless Ethernet backbone.