Multiple Dwelling Units
Apartment complexes are at or near capacity. For owners and operators, the goal is to increase revenue generated from the property by offering additional services. Managed Wifi and IoT connectivity are two ways to increase net profits.
For tenants, access to true high-speed internet is a critical requirement and decision influencer when considering where to live. Work, School, and home use cases all require network performance well in excess of what was deployed with wires just a few years ago. Ten’s of Mbps are no longer enough.
When an MDU property is offered the ability to increase network capacity as well as spread its coverage to the entire property, residents and property managers benefit. Video security, Access systems improve safety and yield more efficient use of all systems such as HVAC, water, even electricity with advanced IoT systems – all running on WaveTunnel.

To Wire or not to Wire – That is the question.
Read further to learn about all the benefits of using the WaveTunnel system when upgrading and expanding your IT/OT network.