June 2024 Airvine Update

Airvine update

Welcome back! We’re thrilled to share the latest Airvine news and updates about the industry. Connectivity Corner Vulnerabilities in Wireless Backhaul Researchers at Rice University found a critical security vulnerability in high-frequency wireless backhaul links. This discovery highlights the importance of developing and implementing wireless backhaul solutions that prioritize robust, secure, and interference-resistant designs. Ensuring…

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The Ins and Outs of 60GHz Systems: Outside – In is Not the Answer


There is a plethora of outdoor 60GHz point-to-point and point-to-multipoint solutions on the market today. When it comes to outdoor applications the market is well served. However, when it comes to serving the emerging indoor wireless Ethernet backhaul market, a completely different set of requirements must be met, and the typical outdoor product falls short….

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April 2024 Airvine Update

airvine news

Welcome to our first Airvine update of 2024. Periodically we will be dropping some industry updates as well as sharing some things we here at Airvine have been up to. Connectivity Corner 5G Driving Backhaul Market A recent report predicts a staggering 9.20% CAGR for the mobile and wireless backhaul market, driven by the surge…

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What Is Backhaul and Why Do I Need It?

people connecting using backhaul

Backhaul forms the invisible backbone of our connected world, crucial for the seamless operation of networks that power our daily digital interactions. This blog delves into the concept of core network connectivity, how it works, and its significance in modern telecommunications. We’ll also spotlight how Airvine is innovating in this space with our advanced wireless…

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